Music ministry at Our Lady of Hope is vibrant and prayerful, providing the people of our community with joyful and prayerful experience. At the core of our music program are dedicated musicians, singers, and instrumentalists alike. Music Ministry at Our Lady of Hope provides a unique opportunity to build community through the power of song.
Explore our music ministry opportunities below.
Choir - is held on select Sundays and feast days. All are welcome to join! Any person, any ability is welcome! No experience necessary. This group meets for rehearsal on select days. The group is composed of university students, parishioners, and parish staff praying contemporary and traditional style of music accompanied by various instruments. Please subscribe below to join the mailing list for choir updates: https://ourladyofhopechurch.flocknote.com/Choir
Cantors and Instrumentalists - Our Lady of Hope welcomes those who would like to use their musical talents to lead liturgies and song. If you have experience cantoring or playing an instrument, please reach out to Connor Ford for information on how to join our roster.
For more information, or to get involved please contact Connor Ford, Music Coordinator at cford@ourladyofhopechurch.com
Organ stop list and information can be found by clicking here.