Your Giving Commitment to Our Lady of Hope is an important part of what it means to be a good Christian steward.
We ask you to prayerfully consider making a giving commitment to Our Lady of Hope. Your giving commitment could include time, financial, or talent. Your support is critical as we continue on our mission! We are most grateful for what ever you choose give!
Our Lady of Hope accepts online donations through Give Central.
Through Give Central, you may make paperless donations (one-time or recurring) to the church using your credit card, debit card,
or electronic payments. Click below to donate now!
Donate Stocks and Mutual Funds? By gifting securities, you are able to maximize the size of your charitable gifts, enjoy multiple tax benefits, and conserve cash you would have given.
Instructions for gifting stock to Our Lady of Hope:
Authorize your financial advisor to send the shares of stock electronically to us as follows:
William Blair and Co.
222 West Adams
Chicago, IL 60606
DTC No. 0226
Account No. ESR005570
A/C: Catholic Bishop of Chicago Account
F/B/O Our Lady of Hope Catholic Church
Archdiocese of Chicago Tax I.D. #36-2170826
Broker Contact: Lori Hansen
Email: lhansen@williamblair.com
Phone: (312) 364-8645
Church Contact: Geriann Gentile
Email: ggentile@ourladyofhopechurch.com
Phone: (847) 825-4673
**Please download below and include the Letter Of Intent for the stock gift, and forward to Our Lady of Hope or directly to the Archdiocese of Chicago. All stock gifts must go through the Archdiocese of Chicago account, and the sale proceeds will be given to Our Lady of Hope.
Many companies and organizations offer matching gifts to parishes and schools. Please contact your human relations department at your company to see if they offer a corporate grant.