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Welcome to Religious Education

Religious Education instruction for Little People’s Church (LPC) preschoolers, ages 3, 4, 5, & 6, Levels 1-8 classes, and the Sacramental prep classes (Reconciliation, Communion and Confirmation) will be conducted on-site from September 2023 thru April 2024.  LPC classes are held the first three Sundays of the month during the 10:30 am Mass.  Level 1-8 classes will be held the first three Tuesdays of the month (unless otherwise specified) from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. 

Sacramental preparation classes for First Reconciliation will take place on the second Sunday of the month from 9:00 am – noon including attending 10:30 am Mass September through December.  First Communion classes will take place on the second Sunday of the month from 9:00 a.m. – noon including attending 10:30 am Mass January through April.  Preparation for Confirmation is a two-year program which takes place in Level 7 and 8 of our Tuesday evening classes.  Students will also   be participating in experiential activities on selected dates.  Parents with children enrolled in our Religious Education program should check the 2023-2024 calendar for exact dates of classes.  Changes to the calendar will be made if necessary and sufficient notice will be given to the parents.


Little People’s Church – Preschoolers 

 Allelu! (Our Sunday Visitor)  

Is an early childhood program for preschoolers ages 3, 4, 5 and 6 with innovations that make it easy to engage every child and build his/her faith!  Allelu! delivers it’s message through multisensory experiences.  The goals of Allelu! are to:  teach young children about their faith; familiarize them with the Catholic sacraments, liturgical rites, symbols and seasons; form children’ moral lives, standards and values; teach children how to pray; and give children the words and tools they need to talk to and about God.

Allelu! is anchored with Child/Family activities sheets that are simple and easily connected to real life.  These activity sheets provide engaging and understandable prayers, activities and saint stories, as well as, brief teachable insights for the entire family.  Cleverly designed like placemats for the dinner table, Allelu! Activity Sheets meet busy parents and families at the perfect moment, reinforcing positive family rituals such as eating meals together and talking to each other.

Level 1-6

Be My Disciples (RCL Benzinger)

The Be My Disciples textbooks, presented to Level 1-6 students uses a Christ-centered and balanced approach to catechesis intertwining doctrine, Scripture, tradition and spirituality.  The objective of the series is to lead the children and their families to grow in their relationship with Christ, accept the demands of discipleship, decide each day to choose life in Christ, and live as active members of the Catholic Church. The program emphasizes learning and practicing the skills, habits, virtues and spiritual gifts that lead young disciples to higher levels of moral thinking and a deeper invitation into a life of prayer and sacramental celebration.  The goal is for each child/accompanying adult to develop a personal relationship with Jesus based on what they themselves have learned and experienced.

Levels 7 and 8

Students in Levels 7 and 8 preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation will be exposed to a doctrinal and experiential program. Catechists preparing students to Confirm their belief and faith in Jesus Christ we will be using a multi-media approach.

The Chosen - This multi-season film series looks at the life of Christ through the eyes of his disciples.   The Chosen’s power comes from each disciple’s transformation of desire.  Characters who have small hopes at the beginning evolve into people who want great things.  As we watch the disciples change, we are drawn into the mystery of their transformation in Christ.  This isn’t just about the transformation of the disciples, it’s about our spiritual transformation too. We come to want the things that are modeled to us as desirable and valuable.  We want to develop to be a certain kind of person.  Our hope is that this process will result in the students choosing to be Confirmed in the Spirit of Jesus and lead exemplary Christian lives. A complete teaching guide has been developed for each season and will be utilized by the catechists.

Decision Point – (Dynamic Catholic)  Using DVD’s Decision Point presents Catholicism in a way that is engaging and relevant. Decision Point covers everything we would traditionally teach in young people preparing for Confirmation, but the program also covers a series of life issues, helping to make a powerful connection between preparing for Confirmation and the candidates’ everyday lives. It speaks about the everyday lives of young Catholics and invites them to explore some of life’s big questions such as: Who are you? What are you here for? What matters most? What matters least?

Confirmed in the Spirit (Loyola Press) - Confirmed in the Spirit is a comprehensive, flexible fully Confirmation preparation program that speaks with relevance to the hearts and lives of young people. Through Scripture, prayer, in-depth content, and age appropriate opportunities for reflective and active experience Confirmed in the Spirit prepares young people for Confirmation and the next phase of their lives as Catholics.

Family/Child Sacramental Classes

Signs of Grace – Augustine Institute


“Signs of Grace: You Are Forgiven” prepares children to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time by revealing that God is indeed “rich in mercy”.  While the curriculum is focused on the child, it also recognizes that it is in the Christian family that the Faith is learned and is most effectively understood and lived out.  A Family Take Home page is provided with each session to engage parents and the entire family in this journey of Faith.

Signs of Grace; You are Loved” prepares children to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion for the first time by revealing the intimate love that God has for use.  While the curriculum is focused on the child, it also recognizes that it is in the Christian family that the Faith is learned and is most effectively understood and lived out.  A Family Take Home page is provided with each session to engage parents and the entire family in this journey of Faith.

Activities, Scripture, videos, and stories are provided to engage both the mind and the heart so that the child can come to fully understand the gift of grace of mercy offered through the Sacraments.


Sunday reading for the weekend Masses are incorporated into every lesson to assist the students in active and meaningful participation in the liturgical celebration.


Each level text is supplemented with a DVD with appropriate songs to be used during the class worship service.

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