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Our youth are called to this ministry once they have received their First Communion. Both boys and girls are welcome. Our goal is to have enough altar servers that no one has to serve more than once a month. Servers are scheduled for the mass time of their choice and server and parents who are liturgical ministers are scheduled together. More senior servers may also be trained for special liturgies, such as weddings, funerals, Christmas Midnight Mass and the liturgies of Holy Week and the Easter Vigil. Servers receive training and will be scheduled with more experienced servers when they start out. Any students interested in this ministry should contact Tina Norton.

Altar Servers

Art & Environment Ministry 

The responsibility of this ministry is to “decorate” and maintain the decorations in the church and surrounding public areas in an appropriate manner and with noble simplicity. As a part of this ministry, we are called to incorporate the signs of the liturgical seasons in nature, and in scripture, as well as the traditions of the church into the worship environment and our ministry. This ministry needs individuals who can help, on a rotating basis, to water plants and to assist in decorating the gathering areas, both indoors and out.
This ministry also needs additional help during Lent, the Easter Season, Advent, the Christmas Season and
at times when there are special Sacramental celebrations. If you enjoy creativity and beauty appropriate
to Liturgical décor, this ministry is for you. If you feel you have the call to this ministry, please contact the Parish Office.

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